📔 Differentially Private Learning
Graduate Course, IISc, 2023
📌 Logistics: These are self prepared notes required for my research on Differential Privacy.
- Lec-1: Introduction to Differential Privacy (DP).
- Lec-2: Randomized response and Laplace mechanism.
- Lec-3: Exponential mechanism
- Lec-4: Gaussian mechanism
- Lec-5: Post-processing and Composition Theorems
- Lec-6: Advanced Composition Theorems - coming soon
- Lec-7: Sparse vector techniques and Subsample-Aggregate - coming soon
- Lec-8: Lower Bounds for DP - coming soon
- Lec-9: PAC Learning
- Lec-10: Radamacher Complexity
- Lec-11: VC Dimension
- Lec-12: ERM & SRM - coming soon
- Lec-13: Private PAC Learning - coming soon
- Lec-14: Online Learning with DP - coming soon
- Lec-15: DP-ERM
- Lec-16: DP-SGD
- Lec-17: Reconstruction Attacks and Query release.
- Lec-18: Interval Queries & Binary-Tree mechanisms
- Lec-19: Factorization Mechanism
- Lec-20: Projection mechanism
- Lec-21: Two Player Zero Sum Games
- Lec-22: Zero Sum Games: Application to Query release
- Lec-23: Online learning for Query release
- Lec-24: DP under continual observation - coming soon