Adapt then Unlearn: Exploiting Parameter Space Semantics for Unlearning in Generative Adversarial Networks

Published in arXiv, 2023

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The increased attention to regulating the outputs of deep generative models, driven by growing concerns about privacy and regulatory compliance, has highlighted the need for effective control over these models. This necessity arises from instances where generative models produce outputs containing undesirable, offensive, or potentially harmful content. To tackle this challenge, the concept of machine unlearning has emerged, aiming to forget specific learned information or to erase the influence of undesired data subsets from a trained model. The objective of this work is to prevent the generation of outputs containing undesired features from a pre-trained GAN where the underlying training data set is inaccessible. Our approach is inspired by a crucial observation: the parameter space of GANs exhibits meaningful directions that can be leveraged to suppress specific undesired features. However, such directions usually result in the degradation of the quality of generated samples. Our proposed method, known as ‘Adapt-then-Unlearn,’ excels at unlearning such undesirable features while also maintaining the quality of generated samples. This method unfolds in two stages: in the initial stage, we adapt the pre-trained GAN using negative samples provided by the user, while in the subsequent stage, we focus on unlearning the undesired feature. During the latter phase, we train the pre-trained GAN using positive samples, incorporating a repulsion regularizer. This regularizer encourages the model’s parameters to be away from the parameters associated with the adapted model from the first stage while also maintaining the quality of generated samples. To the best of our knowledge, our approach stands as first method addressing unlearning in GANs. We validate the effectiveness of our method through comprehensive experiments.

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